A Passionate Schooling

Other Publications

The following academic papers, essays and articles are available for free download.

PhD Research Thesis: “Waldorf Teacher Education: The implications for Teacher Education of Rudolf Steiner's Educational Theory and its Practice in Waldorf Schools”

For Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Graduate School of Education, University of Adelaide. Conferred 11th October 1999.

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Abstract for this PhD Research Thesis

This study is a critical analysis of Waldorf teacher education in Australia. Beginning with an exposition of the central tenets of Rudolf Steiner's philosophy and educational theory, and his lectures to teachers, the author identifies what he sees as the requirements and characteristics of an ideal Waldorf teacher education program. The study next investigates the development of Waldorf teacher education provision in Australia, and surveys a wide cross-section of teachers and teacher educators in Australian Waldorf schools, to ascertain the type of preparation they received or have contributed to, and elicit their views as to its strengths and weaknesses. These findings are then critically analysed, making comparisons with Waldorf teacher education programs in other countries. The feasibility and implications of including a Waldorf course in a main-stream teacher education Faculty in Australian universities are discussed, in relation to current prevailing government policies regarding schooling and the values and emphases which these impose upon state university courses. The study concludes with proposals for change and improvement in Waldorf teacher education provision in Australia to make Waldorf teachers better prepared to educate Australian children for the 21st century, still in keeping with the essential values of Steiner education.

The full text of this original dissertation can be accessed from the library site at Adelaide University under Title: Waldorf Teacher Education: The Implications for Teacher Education of Rudolf Steiner’s Educational Philosophy and its Practice in Waldorf Schools. Author: Mazzone, Alduino Date: 1999 Institution Adelaide University or direct on the permanent link: hdl.handle.net/2440/37875

Special Project: “Islands of Culture” The Origin and Development of Steiner Waldorf Schools in Australia.

For Master of Educational Studies (University of Adelaide). Conferred 22nd April 1995.


Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner) Schools as schools in the progressive education tradition.

This paper is a contracted version of the Master of Education Studies thesis. Also a paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand History Of Education Society (ANZHES) Conference, at the University of Sydney  (Nov 1995)


Rudolf Steiner's Social Theory: How the Waldorf Schools arose from the Threefold Social Movement

Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand History Of Education Society (ANZHES) Conference, at the University of Newcastle  (Dec 1997)


Evolution of Consciousness, Rites of Passage and the Waldorf Curriculum 2003

An article on ‘rites of passage’ from the perspectives of the developments in human consciousness over long periods, their recapitulation in each individual's biography and its relevance for the school curriculum. Published in the Research Bulletin of the Waldorf Education Research Institute


Teaching and Learning in a Waldorf School: A Founding Teacher's Perspective

Paper presented to an Educational Research Conference — Dec, 1999 Adelaide.

In the context of considering the problems involved in teaching and learning in South Australia, this paper points to the dearth of alternative educational options in this State and notes the important role played by one alternative scho ol movement in partially filling this gap — the Waldorf schools.


Mount Barker Waldorf School: An Historical Perspective of the Founding Years

As a founding teacher in the Mt Barker Waldorf School (South Australia) Alduino Mazzone records the early history of the school which began in 1979.


The ‘I’ in the Storm: An exploration of the concept of the Self

An essay exploring the idea of the Self at the time of Buddha and in some 20th century Western thought.


Coming to an understanding of the Archangel Michael (A personal picture)

Thoughts for a lecture to the Anthroposophical Society, April 1997.
